Year Two

So, about this blog, post-anniversary.

Definitely it’s an adjunct to my column, which is the main event. The trick for me has been giving the appropriate weight to each, making the blog worth your time while not starving my column of material or attention.

Based on comments I get, most of you are happy enough with this blog. And that’s satisfying. I wish it were better, frankly, and were blogging my fulltime gig it would be. But I barely have time to think about it, really.

So this is what you get for the hour or two a day I can spare — something off-the-cuff, mildly entertaining, more personal and casual than my columns (is that possible?), plus responses to many of your comments.

Some stats I’ve been pondering as I look to the future: Although there are readers at any point of the day or evening, on weekdays there’s a peak around 9 or 10 a.m., and then a second peak around 4 p.m. Hmm.

And while weekends have the lightest readership, the 250-ish people reading then, compared to 300-ish to 500-ish on weekdays, is higher than I’d have expected.

In response, the boss has suggested that I post not just weekday mornings but in the afternoons as well, to give the morning people an excuse to check back for something other than fresh comments and, of course, to rack up more page views.

“It doesn’t have to be long,” he says. “Just something like ‘I had a burrito at lunch.'”

Uh, well, I’m skeptical anyone would check back for dispatches like that. But I can kinda see his point. I could do with some shorter posts.

And to be self-critical, this blog hasn’t been as immediate as it could be because I’m often holding onto stuff a few days to make sure I can fill the weekend, or in case I need it for my column. I’ve tried to avoid overlap between the blog and the column.

For Year Two, here’s what I’m thinking:

1) Weekday posts in the morning, just like you’re used to.

2) When possible, a short p.m. post, maybe a quick preview of the next column. But not about my burrito at lunch. (Unless it was awesome.)

3) Light posting on weekends — maybe nothing, maybe something — to lighten my load and give everyone a chance to catch up on the week past. And no more writing posts ahead when I’m out of town; that was only to keep my streak alive for the first year.

4) Continuing all the stuff I’m doing now: Restaurant of the Week, random items from various cities, a silly photo every week or so, nostalgia questions or items, personal stuff and reader mail on occasion.

5) It’s possible — this is just musing aloud — that some stuff will go on the blog first and then wind up, in the same or similar form, in my columns. Mr. Columnist/Blogger, tear down this wall!

So, here’s your chance to sound off.

What are your favorite and least favorite things about this blog? Is there anything I’m not doing here that you’d like to see?

Would you rather have a second post on weekdays than posts on weekends?

Any other thoughts on the intersection of the blog and the column?

Needless to say, your feedback is encouraged and anxiously awaited.

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