Digital conversion the David Allen way

At last, ABC-7’s piece on the digital TV conversion aired May 14, with contributions from your technoklutzy blogger (“a writer for the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin”).

Did you catch the piece? A few of you have told me you did. I was on vacation and missed my moment of digital glory, alas, but the video is viewable on the KABC website at this link.

Ironically, given the story’s focus on my ability to watch “Lost,” vacation also meant missing the “Lost” season finale. A friend promised to TiVo it for me.

Anyhow, reporter Ric Romero did a nice job, and I was relieved to see that I don’t come off as a complete dope. I think the camera added 10 pounds, though. Or maybe my Restaurant of the Week feature is to blame.

(You can read more about the interview in my April 1 column.)

Even if the piece is of no practical use to you, you may enjoy listening to me murmur and glimpsing a portion of my living room. For you home decor critics, I do have a coffee table, but to simplify the shot we moved it out of the way.

A second piece on how to hook up your TV is viewable by clicking here and features me in an uncredited cameo as I fiddle with my antenna.

All of this begs the question: If I’m the sort of trash they’re putting on TV, why convert?

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