Euclid ‘wearing a mantle of snow’ *


Betty Peters bought this postcard at a collectors’ show earlier in August and wonders when the photo might have been taken, and where. Euclid’s a long avenue, after all, traveling from Chino through Ontario and Upland and into San Antonio Heights.

I know, it says it’s a Daily Report photo, but we don’t have any archives other than microfilm from those days.

My colleague Joe Blackstock can’t immediately recall, in his joking words, “the great snowstorm of ’45” or some other such meteorological event. But he says snow isn’t uncommon in Upland’s northern reaches, which is where I’d guess the photo was taken.

Tranquil scene, isn’t it?

This weather report has been brought to you by the Jones Galoshes Co.

* UPDATE: See Gavin’s response in the comments section for the apparent answer to this minor mystery. He’s the Sherlock Holmes of local precipitation.

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