Young Gary Ovitt, 1963


Reader Chris Peterson found an Ontario Daily Report from Nov. 24, 1963 while cleaning a neighbor’s garage and brought it by our newsroom for me (along with a Sept. 15, 1941 San Francisco Examiner).

The Daily Report issue is dominated by stories about President Kennedy’s death two days earlier, among them a story with the prescient headline “Death Seen For Oswald.” There’s also an ad for “Lawrence of Arabia” at Ontario’s Ritz Theater.

But Peterson drew my attention to a photo in the Sports section. Future Chaffey teacher, Ontario mayor and county supervisor Gary Ovitt was honored as Chaffey’s junior varsity quarterback. He was described as “most inspirational.” I’m not sure if this was a taste of things to come or a career peak, but there it is.

I emailed the clipping to Ovitt, who commented: “Who do I look most like from the Addams Family?”

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