M-M-M-My Pomona, and other blogs


Wednesday’s column is about the departure of the couple behind the M-M-M-My Pomona blog for the Bay Area. Meg Worley, the blog’s primary writer, is pictured at right; photo by Deb Mashek.

Along the right hand side of this page, the “Other sites of interest” section has links to a few blogs and local newspaper sites. I’ve updated it to include all the blogs mentioned in Wednesday’s column and a few more besides.

Like a newspaper, a blog can pull together content from other sources, provide a forum for readers to sound off and tip readers off to information or views you wouldn’t have come across otherwise. That’s serendipity: You find yourself reading stories because they look interesting, not because you sought them out.

M-M-M-My Pomona offered a window into the Lincoln Park neighborhood and the wider world of Pomona, especially in the blog’s earlier days. Many of the community of blogs in Pomona have gone dormant; the form seems to have peaked in 2009 or 2010.

It’s a little strange to think of something as new as blogging as having already fallen out of favor, but that’s the way the changing media landscape bounces. The form still seems to have a lot of untapped potential locally.

The Goddess of Garey Avenue wrote a post (read it here) with an explanation of blogs, descriptions of several local blogs and a how-to guide for starting your own.

If you have a local-interest blog that you actually maintain, feel free to post a comment with your link.

Meg says M-M-M-My Pomona will continue under other writers; I hope that’s the case. In the meantime, for her fans, she has a personal blog, often on literary and cultural topics, which can be found here.

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