Younger than that now?


After receiving a document from the City of Pomona utility billing department (click on the image for a large view), reader Rubio R. Gonzalez writes: “I noticed that the seal in the left corner had a founding year of 1988. What a mistake! There must have been a confusion among the staff, considering that many city employees indeed do live in Diamond Bar which was founded in 1989. Pomona was actually incorporated in 1888.”

Hey, what’s 100 years between friends? Maybe Pomona has decided to lie about its age. We’ll know for sure if Pomona is confused if they celebrate 25 years of cityhood next year.

* Update: Assistant to the City Manager Mark Gluba says a vendor that handles utility billing incorrectly reproduced the city seal quite some time ago and no one, including utility customers, has noticed until now. The error will be corrected as soon as possible. Gluba adds: “Hope this solves the mystery and I assure that none of us, including the City, are getting any younger!”

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