A second Great Wall of Chino

For my Great Wall of Chino contest (see Wednesday’s column for more), John Kramer submitted the runner-up nomination, a wall at El Prado Golf Course, which he described as a golf cart bridge that crosses the second hole on the Butterfield Stage course. I think you’ll agree the stonework is quite impressive.

Kramer supplied this handy comparison between this wall and China’s slightly better-known Great Wall:

Year built, China: Circa 220 BC; Year built, Chino: Circa 2000 AD

Length, China: Over 13,000 miles; Length, Chino: Barely over 130 feet

Height, China: Up to 16 feet; Height, Chino: Barely over 4 feet

Purpose, China: To keep out the Mongolians

Purpose, Chino: To keep out the Rancho Cucamongans?

Thanks for putting things in perspective, Mr. Kramer.

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