Giving new meaning to the phrase “drunk as a skunk”

Several of us were packing up to leave the press box at about 10 after 1 this morning when we happened to notice a large skunk walking along the front row of the Dugout Club seats down below. The gate in the centerfield wall was wide open, so we’re guessing that was how he/she/it had entered the now completely-empty stadium. But the skunk was clearly scavenging for whatever it could find to eat/drink, and if you have ever been in a stadium two hours after a game, you know there are a lot of leftover concessions items tossed aside between rows of seats. Well, apparently, some of the ballpark patrons hadn’t finished their beers, because after a few minutes, this skunk made its way onto the field and headed in the general direction of the open gate. Then, he stopped and started just generally walking around in circles, and his gait seemed to slow down gradually. By the time we got bored and left, he/she/it was in short right field, near the line, and didn’t seem to be moving much at all. For all I know, he/she/it was still there, passed out, when the grounds crew arrived this morning. Sure wouldn’t want to be the person who has to romove him/her/it. … Phillies are pounding the Brewers 5-0 in the sixth inning. Looks like there is a cheesesteak or two (or 10) in my very near future.