Fashion fit for a Queen















As the big Doo Dah day draws near, I need select the perfect gown. I have consulted with vendors, designers, my friends and my mother. Many have great ideas, some have outrageous ideas and some have blah ideas, but in all cases the ideas are expensive- still, spare no expense for my day in the royal sun, I say.



Miss Cindy of my Offiicial Entourage graciously invited me to her home last night to look over and try on some of the outfits submitted by the Official Court Seamstresses (I think they’re actually little gnomes. Like garden gnomes, but with needles and thread, tiny sewing machines and enormous bad taste). Unbeknownist to me, Cindy has two fashion experts in residence- her dogs, Zeke and Kujo. These pups have their paws on the pulse of style!… And they aren’t shy about letting you know that a dress simply is not for you.



As I played dress-up, Cindy kept her camera clicking so we could share the moment with you. Please note my Cuddly Courtiers in two of the shots. Kujo, the setter/Dalmation/pointer wonder dog, admits that he has an affinity for spots, particularly animal print spots, but thought this litt2250-zdress6-thumb-300x435.jpgle leopard number was dated. Zedd, the Labrador/mystery mix, convinced me that style searching can be taxing, so it’s always good to take a little break for play– it keeps the mind fresh.



Unfortunately this little fashion foray proved fruitless, so I now have plans to take the matter into my own hands and make my dress. Let’s see what Kujo and Zedd have to say about that! 


2 thoughts on “Fashion fit for a Queen

  1. Thank you, Miss Havisham. And yes, alas, no glitter or sequins– you would think sewing gnomes would know better! Some things are better if you do them yourself.

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