Plans to widen Valley Boulevard proposed

In part of the effort to clear up logjams along Valley Boulevard, Industry has plans to embark on a $4.1 million, 2.3-mile endeavour to widen Valley Boulevard between Azusa and Lemon avenues.

The project’s primary goal is to add a third lane to eastbound Valley Boulevard. It also includes adding bus stops, right-turn pockets, improved stop lights, storm drain outlets and even installing a small boulder-lined drainage stream.

For years, Valley was a four-lane street. The city recently restriped westbound to increase the number of traffic lanes from two to three.

“That really cleared up traffic there quite a bit,” said John Ballas, Industry’s engineer.
But there’s not enough room on the south side of the street to make three lanes, he said. About 50,000 cars daily use the stretch of road.

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