Dixie Chicks win Country album, quote The Simpsons…

You can’t blame the Dixie Chicks for being giddy over their Grammy wins tonight. They just won the Grammy for Best Country Album (“Taking the Long Way”) and Natalie took the mic and said: “To quote the great Simpsons: “He!He!” [ Big laugh in the audience and in the press room] “A lot of people just turned their TVs off right now, sorry about that.”
Doubt it. Too many folks have come to realize that not only do the Dixie Chicks have the absolute right to speak their minds, a lot of people probably agree with them now! Emily Robison added: “Our core fans always stood by us. We wouldn’t have done this album without everything we went through. So thank you…we have no regrets!”
John Mayer was just back here in the press room and said of the Dixie Chicks: “I’m really proud of them…it was almost an instant classic kind of album…They were running from a lot of ghosts…they just wrote great songs as the weapon.”

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