Lansing praises Tom Cruise…her surprise presenter

When Sherry Lansing saw Tom Cruise at a pre-Oscar party a few days ago, she said she thought he was kind of cold when he greeted her. When he presented her with the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, he whispered into her ear that he really wanted to do it and that’s why he couldn’t say much at the party: “It was a secret. I had no idea who was giving me the award,” Lansing said backstage.
She also, during a very loooooooooooooooooooong Q&A session, defended Cruise as an actor and believes he will be back at the top of his profession and be standing at the Academy Awards holding his own Oscar one day.
Cruise ex-wife Nicole Kidman, who presented the first award tonight with Daniel Craig, already has an Oscar, and ex-girlfriend Penelope Cruz is up for one tonight.

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