Fire Update ***5

Reporter Caroline An interviewed Cheryl Parker, a 37-year resident of Sierra Madre, about her experiences after being evacuated from her home on Foothill Avenue.

Parker said she was roused from her sleep around midnight by a neighbor telling her she had to leave the area. She grabbed her medicines and a copy of her homeowner’s insurance policy, but felt under prepared. 
Expressing thanks for the volunteers at the center, Parker also admitted she was a little bored. Apparently she’d rather be surfing the Web right now, playing a game called eggz on the AARP Web site.
parker was also a litle annoyed that she couldn’t find a copy of the newspaper crossword. Someone had ripped it out of a copy of the paper at the Center.
Evacuees will get an update at 4 p.m. from officials discussing the length of the closure of their neighborhoods.
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