Commentary and more photos from Sierra Madre

What is the name of the fire? I thought there was some official settlement on Sierra Madre. But some are still calling it the Santa Anita fire, while still others refer to it as the Chantry Flats fire.

Here’s an interoffice memo from ME Steve Hunt, clarifying the naming:

I guess several media outlets have called it by different names, but Hector reports the Forest Service has officially dubbed the fire above Sierra Madre the Santa Anita Fire.



As for more photos. Here’s a couple more. Its fascinating to see how many citizens carry digital devices to record the event for posterity. I saw digital recorders, camcorders, laptops and cameras. Amazing.



Sherry Wheelock and her twins, Michael and Christopher, 13, walk south on Baldwin Avenue protecting themselves from the smoke hanging in the air.













Reporters from KCAL KCBS (left) and Fox News (left) read their stories on the air from Sierra Vista Park Monday morning. The reports were filed just before Mayor Kurt Zimmerman and Sierra Madre police Chief Marilyn Diaz spoke to the assembled media










Looks like we’ll be unable to post until about 5 p.m. If there’s no posts here by 7 p.m. check for updates.

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