From the (New York) Times

I didn’t understand where the LA Times was going with it’s earthquake story this morning. Even though the story had A1 placement, the lede was long and convoluted. The photos were beautiful though. Especially the image of a worker cleaning glass from a broken window at Pomona City Hall.

The story didn’t even crack A1 in the New York Times, instead it led with the indictment of U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska. The quake (and another nice photo of Pomona City Hall) story is on A11.

Interestingly, the NY Times quake story cites Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Lt. John Saleeby, of the Walnut Diamond Bar substation as a source.

They should have called him months ago. — He’s known among reporters in this newsroom for famously saying: “Nothing’s going on. But I’m waiting for the big one. It’s coming any day now. I’m sure you’ve read about it in Bible.”

Well Lt. Saleeby, nice call. But there are those who still claim the temblor wasn’t a “Big One” just moderate


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One thought on “From the (New York) Times

  1. Well, he is also waiting for the Flood. Maybe we should ask him which one is coming first.

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