Searching for remains in the Rockefeller/Sohus case

As you know by now the search for remains at 1920 Lorain Road in San Marino has begun. Officials expect it to last several days, according to Los Angeles County Sheriff’s spokesman Steve Whitmore.

Here’s some pictures I shot at the scene. They dont’ say much , but interesting nonetheless.

Several neighbors had fascinating recollections of Clark Rockefeller, who was Christopher Chichester back in the 1980s. He’s a person of interest int he 23-year-old missing persons case/homicide investigation.

Anyway more posts later, Here’s my photos (taken with a Palm Treo):



 Sheriff’s spokesman Steve Whitmore speaks about the case. 1920 Lorain is in the background.












15004-sv30-chichester2-thumb-300x300.jpgNeighbors watch the search commence.













San Marino PD officers patrol near the former Sohus estate on Lorain Road.

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4 thoughts on “Searching for remains in the Rockefeller/Sohus case

  1. I was just cusrious as to why when I searched the web for Information on the remains found, that they had been destroyed all but a partial cranuim. Does anyone know the answer to this? Because to me it makes no sense (from three garbage bags down to one partial cranuim…wow, why destroyed?)

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