Station Fire heads toward Altadena

ALTADENA – Sheriff’s Search and Rescue team members are heading for Altadena neighborhods in Millard Canyon, La Vina and The Meadows warning residents to be ready to leave if the Station Fire continues to spread east.

“You can’t help but be worried,” said Sheriff’s Law Enforcement Technician Ruby Kinkle. “We’re advising people they should be ready to evacuate.”

Meadows resident Lee Stapensky said it appeared to him that the fire was getting close to Gould Mesa, which he estimated is a mile from The Meadows, a semi-rural enclave in West Altadena reached by a single road.

“It looks as if it’s approximately at the ridge west of Gould Mesa,” said Stensky, who has been monitoring the fire since Friday morning.

Fire Service spokesman Bruce Quintelier said that, based on other hearsay reports, what Stepensky has seen “in a general fashion, may not be too far from being correct – spot on.”

The fire has been burning so rapidly throughout the day that it’s been difficult to keep up with mapping its perimeters, Quintelier said.

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