Pomona agendas online


I spotted this on the wire this morning:

POMONA Pomonas City Clerks Office has improved its portion of the citys Web site, including adding documents, such as City Council agenda packets, City Clerk Marie Macias said today.
It is our goal in the City Clerks Office to provide current and helpful information to all citizens and now the redesign of our site is more organized around the way that citizens want to access information, Macias said.

Now, to be quite honest, I havent visited Pomonas Web site before so I cant pass any kind of before and after judgement.
But I will say this: anytime a city makes agenda packets readily available to the public via the Internet, it makes lives so much easier including ours.
Not only does it save time and a trip to City Hall, but it also makes it easier for residents to find out whats going on in City Hall chambers.
In case youre curios, heres a direct link to the City Clerks page. It would be nice if the adjoining staff reports were also available online, but hey, we can’t be greedy.

Agenda packets are available as far back as 2006.