Big League Dreams

I finally checked out Big League Dreams last night with my softball team. It is awesome! Batting cages were cheap ($1 for 18 balls), it’s really clean, it’s safe and the fields are beautiful. Plus, it was totally packed. All the fields had teams playing on it, there were indoor soccer teams playing, kids running around the playgrounds, and people boozing it up in the snack shacks. Who would’ve thought this is a former landfill?!

It costs $3 to get in, but you get a $2 token that you could use in the snack shacks – which aren’t shacks at all.

And in case you forgot which council members were responsible for bringing the Big League Dreams to the community, there is a plaque proudly displaying the names of the councilmembers and the city manager. I can’t blame them. This is probably the best thing West Covina’s got going for it. That, and this is the city where the Tribune is headquartered.