No on districts

There are two letters today that appeared in the Tribune about the proposed districts. Both letters oppose the idea. Here’s the start of one letter:

As a homeowner in West Covina since 1954, I have seen my share of loony, boneheaded schemes presented to the city and its residents over the years for their approval. Remember the giant aviary at the old BKK site, or the “performing arts center” where Target now sits, or the gambling casino atop the Class III landfill or the double decking of the Azusa Avenue/Amar Road intersection? Or, how about the high rise Hyatt or Marriott at The Lakes?

One point made by one of the letter writers is that the information distributed by those seeking signatures on the petition is misleading. We’ve heard this claim before. But who do you believe? West Covina city politics are so divided, and each side has so much disdain for their “opponent” that its been difficult to cut through the rhetoric.