Gonzales on the Vulcan issue

Got this e-mail from Azusa Councilman Robert Gonzales this morning in response to a letter that ran in the newspaper the other day. The letter attacked both Gonzales and Councilman Keith Hanks for not stating their position on the new Vulcan Mining Proposal (per request of the city attorney).

Here is the letter:

In response to the letter issued on February 25th regarding Vulcan: Azusa’s future is extremely important to me. Under advice of our city attorney, I cannot state a position on Vulcan until all pertinent information & community input is brought before council. Candidates running for office can freely state their personal opinion, but as a city official it’s my duty to practice due diligence on any issue that comes before the city council. Our community’s health and safety are my highest priority. It is on this foundation, doing what is best for the residents, that I will base my vote and actions on matters that come before the city council. Thank You.. Azusa Councilman, Robert Gonzales

I would imagine that same sentiment doubles for Hanks, as well.