Politicians join fire fight

Regular city hall reporting has taken a back seat to ongoing fire coverage over the last week.

But that doesn’t mean our local politicians haven’t made their presence known during this massive effort to contain the Station Fire, which continues to burn in the Angeles National Forest.

In fact, at least one area city council member was among the thousands of people with homes threatened by the Station Fire’s relentless flames, which have burned more than 140,000 acres.

La Caada Councilman Greg Brown was seen cutting shrubs and removing brush from his home on Vista Miguel Drive last weekend, according to reporter Thomas Himes.

“It came right to my neighbors back fence,” Brown told Himes. “That’s where firefighters created a boundary.”

Councilman Dave Spence helped Brown in his efforts. And together, the two helped maneuver hoses as firefighters ignited back fires in the area to help contain the blaze.

At one point, Spence said the flames got so close to homes, “you could feel the heat on your face.”