Answers, Part VII

Here is the seventh group:

Recently, both Rashaan (in the DN article) and Carter (in a radio interview) have indicated to a certain extent that the prior offensive coaches were both non-communicative and stubborn when it came to the players. Did you get any sense of this while covering the team last year and do you notice a big difference between the past and current offensive coaches?
Last year? How about the last five years? It was chronicled at times, beginning with Matt Moores frustration as a quarterback. During the Drew Olson and Ben Olson competitions, the lack of communication was an issue. And on and on and on.

I seem to recall that you had previously mentioned that some of the younger players (OL and DL in particular, i.e., Dean, Sheller, Stokes, Anyanwu) did not appear to have the size/talent to play in the Pac-10, based upon your initial observations. Do you think that they are starting to get in the mix more this season because of (i) a lack of talent on the team, or (ii) significant improvement in their athleticism and skill?
Ill go with the first one for the most part, but Stokes has played better and Sheller has shown good feet.

You’ve repeatedly written about area coaches at UCLA practices more so than in the past. Or at least it seems that way. Is there great interest from HS and JC coaches in watching Neuheisel and Chow run the offense or are they invited by the coaches as a chance to meet and greet?
I think there is a greater interest, and because Neuheisel is so outgoing and engaging, he has loads of connections in the coaching ranks, and those coaches want to see what his practices are like. Having Norm Chow around doesnt hurt, either.

Is there anything in the works to get rid of Chris Roberts as Play by Play guy – football and basketball? The guy is absolutely terrible. Self-Promoting. Mistake prone. Makes the most ridiculous comments – he once claimed that there was an ocean breeze blowing into the Rose Bowl from the SOUTH EAST. Hmmm. I thought the ocean is west. (Don’t tell me he was talking about an eastern ocean breeze from the Atlantic…) He’s referred to scholarship players as walk-ons (I had a cousin on a Football scholarship who Roberts called a walk-on). Do you know of anything encouraging on this front? By the way, is his name really Chris Roberts? I heard it’s just a stage name. That makes sense – a total phony baloney.
I know very little about it. Contact our media columnist at

Norm Chow hated the idea of using the shotgun at USC and it didn’t seem to grow on him much at Tennessee. Is his philosophy changed due to Neuheisel’s input or does he lack faith in Cowan and/or Olsen’s ability to play like Matt Leinart and Carson Palmer.
The playbook was put together by Neuheisel and Chow, in unison, so ideas from both sides are incorporated. I think its a bit early to discuss whether Chow lost faith in Cowan or Olson.

How many current basketball players do you think will be on the team next year?
Ill put it this way. I dont expect Kevin Love, Russell Westbrook, Alfred Aboya or Darren Collison to be at UCLA next season.

-Do you think that Aboya is tired of playing basketball and that’s why he’s considering not coming back? I really hope he decides to stay!
No, hes a very serious student, and academics are his top priority, by far. He has a long-term goal, and working toward that is his most important thing.

Is Howland out recruiting big men? It looks like there’s going to be a shortage next year?
Yes, but there are so few (if any) unsigned quality big guys this time of year.

-Do you think that UCLA has a chance to return to the Final Four with all the players that will/could be leaving?
Sure, they have a chance, but I dont think it is a very good one.

Any idea what classes Arron Afflalo might take this summer?
No idea.