Weekly Answers, Pt. 4

Check out the latest batch of weekly answers…

1) We were all told of the great improvement by Ramirez in the D-backfield.Was there really more need for him at the F-back or was he never going to crack the Defensive rotation.Also will we see M.Knox be a part of this team in 2010 or will we waste him again? – Jed and Gold
At this point, and with all the sincerity I can offer, who the heck knows? I thought Ramirez was doing great at safety, and I was told by the coaches that he was, too. And then Neuheisel wanted to “experiment” with him at F-back, and then the experiment went beyond a day, and now I have no idea what to expect.

2) How much vacation time do you get a year? Seems you’re out quite a bit. Again, not saying it is not justified, heck – in Europe (and I am not even talking about France where the entire country shuts down in August) we get a TON more vacation then the average person in the US… just curious. – EuroBruin
I don’t get much vacation time, but I do get makeup time considering I took less than 10 days off from late-August to late-December and about one day off per week from January to March. During the football season, I think I calculated that I averaged 11 stories per week and 8-9 blog posts a day.

3) I noticed your new answer section is called “extravaganswer” did you get this from Ru Paul? Do you watch Ru Paul’s drag race?Don’t worry i wont tell a soul.I love that show!lmao – Bruinbeatch
I only know of Ru Paul from an old Fresh Prince of Bel Air episode. Good actor…ess.

4) Now that he is no longer on the team, could you expound upon how much of an a-hole Dragovic was? – VB
I’ll go this far with that question: He was not well-liked at times. The term addition by subtraction comes to mind.

5) When asked about Stanley Hasiak, you said he had a little problem initially in spring camp. What is his deal? Does he get frustrated and throw punches? Does he cuss out the defender? What exactly does he do and was is really that bad last season? Do the guys on the team hate him? – VB
I think Stan is just a fiery guy whose emotions get the best of him sometimes. He’s been drastically better since the indefinite suspension, and the flare-up at the onset of spring was momentary. Seems like he’s gotten the message.