Scrimmage Notes

Here’s today’s scrimmage summary:

John David Booty completes passes to Patrick Turner and David Ausberry and C.J. Gable scores on a short run.
Mike McDonald throws a TD pass to freshman wide receiver Jamere Holland.
Mark Sanchez throws a TD pass to Patrick Turner.
The running game is quiet and there’s been some fumbled snaps and several tipped passes.
Allen Bradford is getting a long look at TB but nothing special to report so far.
The shotgun’s debuted with a tippped pass and sack. Mozique McCurtis just blocked a punt.
Thomas Williams just intercepted John David Booty’s pass. Mark Sanchez threw a TD pass to David Ausberry. Yet another fumbled snap.
A shotgun play finally works, as Sanchez completes pass to Jimmy Miller. Jamere Holland takes a reverse about 25 yards.
Both QBs have been hit and miss.
Allen Bradford scores on a short run following a pass from Sanchez to Holland.
A simulated overtime results in three incomplete passes by Sanchez and David Buehler’s FG is blocked by Cary Harris.
Buehler is short on a 46-yard FG on the next OT possession led by Mike McDonald.
Buehler makes a 31-yard FG on Garrett Green’s OT chance.
Booty comes in and throws a 21-yard pass to Vidal Hazelton on the first play and Bradford scores on a 4-yard run to end the scrimmage.