More answers

A wide array of questions in this segment.

Q: What does the coaching staff expect of the players during these next months, before the start of fall practice? I mean, PC is hitting the waves right now, so what does he expect his players to be doing to prep for 2008?

A: The players are working out with Chris Carlisle and in the summer will do passing drills on their own.

Q: Anything new on malik storey and how likely is it that he qualifies? apparently the guy is a top notch shooter which this team desparately needs to replace OJ, along with dwight lewis neeeding to step it up among other things.

A: Story is still trying to get eligible and is more likely than not likely to succeed. But I don’t know how much of an impact he will make. He is a nice shooter if he is open but if someone is in his face, it’s hard to see him scoring consistently and is not the quickest player.

Q: Did Don Ludwig’s job reassignment have anything to do with how he had jurisdiction over the song girls and allowed the group to fall into the pathetic and ugly mess it is now?

A: I believe Michael Jackson reassigned him for other reasons. Never try to figure out Michael Jackson’s motives.

Q: Where are Joe Jares, Dennis Kirkpatrick, Ricky Jackson and Lon Rosen?

A: Joe Jares writes for USC Report, Dennis Kirkpatrick is a TV producer, Lon Rosen worked for the Dodgers and I have no idea who Ricky Jackson is.

Q: Could the character issues and concerns that prevented Radovich from being drafted by the NFL have anything to do with the fact that he went to high school with Sanchez?

A: Maybe it is Bob Johnson’s fault. By the way, I’m going to repost a comment I made last night in one of the forums about a ridiculous assertion that I was evasive about Sanchez because I forgot to mention a fraternity house incident.
For the record, I was the reporter who broke the story on the fraternity house incident. Here’s what I wrote two years ago: “Last month, campus security detained him after he allegedly broke a window at a fraternity party but did not make any arrests.”
I forgot I wrote this when I answered the question Monday because I was busy with Mayo stuff. It’s a joke to say I was evasive. My question is why you are obsessing on these incidents two years later?