Answers, Part IV

Caesar is one of at least five coaches who make more than $3 million per year. Can you name the other four?

Q: In your career following USC has any Song Girl or student matched Jenn Sterger or even challenged her in your mind as the perfect USC Song Girl material? I am serious Jenn Sterger is better than the Song Girls since Mike Garrett era this no joke.

A: I don’t think USC song girls are allowed to perform in cowboy hats or topless.

Q: You mentioned that Sarah Carmona recently apologized to the Song Girls for her embarrassing behavior and photographs that have made their way across the internet, so does that mean she is no longer persona non grata and is now invited to the upcoming Song Girls reunion in the fall?

A: Her email was to former song girls was not an official act, so I don’t know if she is invited or not. I would imagine she will go to the reunion if she wants to.