Answer Wednesday! (SG Forum, Part 2)

I had the pleasure of speaking to a class at USC last night and was given a gift afterward: A USC song girl doll, in tribute to the readers’ interest in this subject and the selection process.

Q: Do the USC administration actually know about the blatant nepotism practiced by the USC Song Girls coach? This may sound like a rather simple question but what is the point of complaining amongst ourselves about this woman’s acts of nepotism if none of her superiors are even aware of her actions? Does it not seem a rather futile issue unless her superiors are informed?

A: The administration is fairly removed from these issues but you’re welcome to express your complaint to them.

Q: I might of come onto your blog a little late. You and the readers mention Tricia Pillisbury a lot, but I don’t know who she is. Who is she? And do you have a picture of her?

A: She was a song girl in the mid-1980’s and the definitive song girl in my opinion. If you type her name into the search engine on this blog, her picture should come up.