Answer Thursday!

We’re on the ever-popular Song Girls Forum answers.

Q: USCinema said:
This week, in a major global poll Cheryl Cole was named the world’s “ultimate fantasy cheerleader”:

Could there be any more evidence remaining that this blog’s readers are not well ahead of the national and, now, international curve?

A: Just when it looks like things are going to settle down, the readers set new standards.

Q: 29th Street said:
In light of recent unexpected events, are we officially on Pflu Watch 2009?

A: Yes, we are. But weren’t we always?

Q: Gordon said:
It’s been mentioned before but it bears repeating – have you noticed the uncanny resemblance between Keli Snyder and Cheryl Cole?

A: I’ll submissions from readers for the best pictures of the two that show this resemblance.