Barkley’s Trip

Here’s a video produced by USC quarterback Matt Barkley on his trip to Nigeria during Christmas break. Barkley and his family delivered 1,200 pounds of supplies including hygiene kits, sports equipment, toys and Christmas gifts.
Barkley and his family also performed construction tasks during his 11-day visit.

9 thoughts on “Barkley’s Trip

  1. Congrats to the Barkley family for giving back to society. At least Matt did not have to perform any circumcisions.

  2. Congrats Matt – there is a lot more to life than football as I am sure you already know.

  3. Fans can criticize Barkley’s performance on the field, and Bruins can mock his big-time love for Jesus, but I for one am glad that during this time of sanctions, at least our quarterback appears to be Mr. Clean.

  4. I have been critical of Barkley’s shortcomings in the past, and I will remain so if his play warrants such criticism. I have always heard nothing but the best about him in terms of character. I’m proud to call myself a Trojan when I read of such selfless giving as Barkley and his family exhibits. Barkley is definitely not your stereotypical self-absorbed athlete. I admire him greatly for that, and that is better than any football accomplishments anyone can ever achieve.

  5. Yes,

    I agree with USCMike, food is much better than circumcisions, especially by an amateur (and I don’t mean the NCAA definition of an amateur either).

  6. Why do I become somewhat cynical when white people make a display of helping black people

    I have been to Africa, and when I was jogging around Nairobi I did not see a single white person in over an hour, and the blacks were staring at me with a friendly curiosity because I guess I was an unusual sight. In their nightclub I was the only white among probably 300 blacks, and was accepted, and in fact ended up with the prettiest girl there. Everybody I met were void of guile, and had an almost childlike “the world is wonderful” quality about them.

    I came away from that experience thinking the Africans had more to teach me and help me than I could show them.

  7. Who paid for the plane tickets? Who bought the supplies? Did Barkley get to keep the Frequent Flyer Miles for his own account? Did he personnaly consume any of the products?……….Sincerely, Missy Conroy.

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