Answer Friday! (Part 2)

Yes, we are answering even more questions today!

Q: uscmike said:
Now that the Coliseum Commission has indicated that it will not be able to fund the Coliseum improvements, what actions will USC take under its lease agreement? (I don’t see USC ever leaving the Coliseum because of its proximity to the campus.) Any thoughts you have on this developing situation is greatly appreciated. As always, thanks for the forum, Scott

A: I think USC’s only move is to now take over and the fund the improvements itself and take a share of ownership of the facility, or at least running it. The Coliseum Commission’s proved time-and-again that it cannot run the stadium in a professional manner and its employees spent more time working on raves than getting improvements made to the historic stadium.
USC’s got to get aggressive and I expect something to happen soon.

Q: Gillyking said:
Adding to uscmike above…If the NFL (interests/team aquisition etc) were to complete the deal to build a new state of the art stadium at the Convention Center, do you believe that USC might be involved with say a viable interest to leaving the Colly and playing in that new stadium?

A: I’ve long thought USC might fall behind if a new stadium was built downtown and UCLA moved in. That seemed like a big recruiting advantage to me. Now that UCLA will stay at an improved Rose Bowl, USC might not have the same urgency. I don’t advocate the move to a new stadium, but it might be best for the program.
And if USC can make some big money from the luxury suites (not guaranteed since AEG is greedy), the move would be made with the recent emphasis on new ways of increasing revenue.

Q: USC’87 said:
How about showing some love on the blog for The Big Man, Clarence Clemons? He played at the LA Sports Arena and LA Coliseum many, many times and was one of the few people who was always cheered by everyone at those venues, never booed. RIP.

A: I attended one of those legendary four hour shows there and vividly remember him performing. It’s definitely one of the highlights in the history of Exposition Park. RIP.

2 thoughts on “Answer Friday! (Part 2)

  1. Scott, you EXPECT an agressive move from SC? Who? Job Hopper, Showboat or The GrEEK? ROFLMAO

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