One thought on “Sold!

  1. Channel 9 Sports was first to report he was preparing to list his Indian Hill home for sale, that he had actually done so, that he had accepted an offer on the property and now finally we can report that the deal has closed.

    We were the first to report that packing supplies had been ordered, that movers had been called, and that the utilities had been switched off.

    We were the first to report that packing had begun, that it had stopped for lunch, that it had resumed, and finally, that it had finished.

    We were the first to report that the phone had been transferred into another name, that the cable TV had been switched over, and that the mail had been forwarded.

    We were the first to report that he purchased a plane ticket out of town, that he had checked in online, that he had ordered a towncar to the airport, and finally that he had boarded his flight.

    We’re not sure but we think he might be cutting ties to the Bengals. But we will be the first to report if he does.

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