Relentless Pursuit


A USC fan who attended the Arizona State game sent this picture of a Tennessee fan that is still bitter over Lane Kiffin’s departure.

12 thoughts on “Relentless Pursuit

  1. All wisdom can be derived from two movies: “The Godfather” and “Animal House.” To wit from Dean Wormer, “Animal House”: “Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life.”

  2. I am confused here. Does this mean that the Tenn fan base want Kiffen to still be the Coach? I have not given up hope for him but if another dream job appeared and he left would the SC fan base do anything other than throw a party?

  3. Why are these stupid rednecks still upset about losing their sh!tty coach? Why were they upset in the first place? Idiots.

  4. Just think about how much you have to hate someone to take the time to do what this bozo did.

  5. i LOVE this guy!! not only was he right about the trOXans having hell to pay in the desert, but he is right on about Kiff!!

    i am sending him two passes to Preffered Plus Night at Cadre HQ!! thats a ten dollar value.

  6. maybe it could be like this…

    when everyone was chasing Kiffen out of town, one irate fan threw a brick and accidentily hit that guy (photo) in the head and put him in a coma…

    and he just woke up from being unconscious – so he has no clue how bad the Kifster really is???


    on the homefront in Portland, I am renting out a room in my house and almost got a young Russian nanny to move in – darn it – she was awesome

    and… if she did move in, I would have asked her to pose in Song girl outfit and posted the pic – just for you guys

  7. that’s one hell of a conspiracy theory.

    Yet, he successfully proves that grown men shouldn’t wear football jerseys….especially that one.

  8. I don’t get it. ASU must be the devil, since they’re the Sun Devils. Kiffin sold his soul to ASU, then shouldn’t USC have won Saturday if they own Kiffin’s soul? But then the devil collected the soul, so is losing a game equated with losing your soul? to the other team? What?

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