6 thoughts on “Farmer Question

  1. What’s the point now!! He already burned his “redshirt”. Might as well let te kid have some experience

  2. Fake controversy.

    There’s no way Farmer will be here four years from now. Better to get him some live on-field experience now and set him up for next year.

  3. Kiffin’s comments about him not needing to be here for a 5th year will bite him in the as.s.

    He is certainly good enough to be out in 4 years, but Kiffin’s hubris always bites him in the as.s.

  4. Give it up, Wolf. Neither you or anyone else who answers this poll has seen Farmer every day in practice, talked personally with Farmer and his parents, or will EVER be a coach at USC. People on the outside lookng in always erroneously believe that their opinion is valuable and matters…sort of like your blog. You should write for Mad Magazine, seriously. It’s the perfect forum for someone who wants to express a worthless opinion that won’t be taken seriously, but which might generate a few laughs. I think you’d be appreciated at Mad, which would satisfy your troubled soul in a fashion that you will never achieve as a legitimate journalist.

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