Answer Friday! (Part 2)

In this segment, a question about defensive tackle.

Q: Trojans Rule said:
Scott, I’ve heard that Woods, the defensive tackle, is a great talent, but is lazy and inconsistent. Is that how you see him too, and, if so, what do you think his chances are of straightening himself out? We badly need help this year at DT.Thank you very very much for whatever you feel free to say about this.
PS Can you share with us about how often you are planning to have the chats? Thanks again!

A: I think there is often a rule among freshman defensive linemen to say they are inconsistent and lazy. Similar comments were made about DaJohn Harris and Everson Griffen. So I don’t think it’s fair to judge someone based off their redshirt year. USC needs him but George Uko and J.R. Tavai were solid last year so he might not be crucial unless one of them gets hurt.

Q: I DIg Go Go Girls said:
Who was your favorite Beatle and why?

A: George Harrison because he was a member of the Lancashire County Cricket Club.

Q: “Count” Smackula said:
Vulfman, vhat do you sink of zee fact zee Baseball Writers of America vill not schtrip Ryan Bruan uff his MVP Avard efen if his appeal for cheatink is denied? Don’t you sink it is ridiculous for zee writers not to rescind zee avard? Doesn’t zis mean Bruan’s avard is worseless and doesn’t it inwalidate zee Baseball Writers MVP Avard itselve?

Vhat say you, Vulfman???

A: I think the Baseball Writers tend to make odd decisions. Because the suspension was overturned, it spared a potentially embarassing choice for the organization from being scrutinized.

Q: Jethro Sabbath said:


What do you think about the fact that one of your readers went to the trouble of asking you a question in a German accent?

A: The Vulfman is impressed.

7 thoughts on “Answer Friday! (Part 2)

  1. Jezro: for you I haff only vun comment…Sugar SVEEEEEEEEEET!!

    Vulfman: your reschponse vas vunderbah!!!

  2. herh herh herh!

    owned, Jethro was, hmmm?

    The Force is strong with the Count, i sense!

    devastating, this blow to Jetho was!

    what were the odds of this happening, i wonder?

    herh herh herh!!


    wolfman, you and the Cadre are aaaaaaaaaaaaaall outta bubble gum today!!!

    Jethro? Jethro???? say something! speak to me! are you okay???

    omg…he’s not moving!!

  4. Why don’t you tells us what the odds are, Fred?

    Sorry, Jethro, but you did get owned by Wolf on this one. Queer, how Wolf seems to love to take the Cadre’s side all the time. Has the Cadre infiltrated the Daily News? Wouldn’t suprise me, considering how sh!tty the paper is.

  5. Fred,

    Do you ever write letters to the L.A. Times from Bucket, Yoda, etc. or do you have to use your real name? I saw your contribution in today’s paper.

  6. Jethro: i infer you are referring to me when you address “fred”, but notwithstanding that, i read the letter from Wallin, which was not only odd, but totally undermines your famed “Wallin Conjecture”

    first, i would think Wallin would be too busy doing homework for his betting site. but more importantly, his letter rips Ben Howland a new one! it it obvious that i am a UCLA alum/fan and would never publicly blast our very successful coach like that!!

    so we see that slowly and shirley your Wallin Conjecture continues to take hit after hit until now it holds the same credibility as the false Moon Landing theory!

    time to start over!! back to the basement, Jethro, tell the little lady to put on a pot of coffee!! the Wallin Conjecture is: MYTH BUSTED!!!

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