Hamstring U.

This spring USC’s suffered quite a few hamstring injuries, with wide receiver George Farmer the most notable. One player said he believed a reason was not spending enough time warming up before practice begins.

8 thoughts on “Hamstring U.

  1. Wolfie to every player at practice: do you think insufficient warm up could have caused the hamstring issues? Every player but one; NO.

    Also Wolfie I’e been meaning to congratulate you on breaking the coliseum corruption story way to go big guy!

  2. OMG!!! this is deja vu all over again!!! the Spitter/Groper made the same sensational claim last year and ended up in the perpetual doghouse for speaking out!!! now Kiff’s reckless policies are taking a devastating toll on his WR’s!!!!

    doesn’t Kiff know he is short on players due to the sanctions???

    Geeez Louise, does the Cadre have to take over day to day operations of the trOXans football team too????

    imma gonna hava put Yoda in charge!!!

    oh, i almost forgot: SWEEEEEEEEET scoooopin’, wolfman!!

  3. Strength coach and head coach should be ALL over this issue, these players at this level should have a clue about getting stretched out and staying loose.

    Yep, I agree, C-buck is a DORK.

  4. I disagree. I think “geek” and “dweeb” are better to describe that awkward moron.

  5. Doesn’t the Ugly Bucket realize that his constant talking-up Wolf is so transparently hypocritcal that it affects the rest of Ugly’s potential relevancy.

    Come on, Ugly, everybody else knows Wolf is basically a joke, so why don’t you try some other schtick, like putting down SC football. Oh, you already do that. Thought so. Oh, well, SC football will just have to somehow get by without your and your other uckla brothers’ support.

    And somehow the Trojans will try to survive throughout the ucklas’ avalanche of negative SC diatribe. For afterall, the effect of bruins negativity about SC is like 2 gnats on a rhinocerous’ back.

    Just sayin’

  6. HAWR-HAWR!! you Nabobs just can’t face the truth!!!

    Scooopin’ Scotty provides a virtual Conga-line of sweeeet scooops that nobody can deny!!! that nobody can deny!!! for he’s a scooopin’ good felloooooooooooow, that nobody can DENY!!!!


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