Quote Of The Day

“It’s like you have an appointment set to get $50 million, that’s the level of excitement,”

— Offensive tackle Zach Banner on his first USC game

9 thoughts on “Quote Of The Day

  1. Remember, when you are on the bottom of the pile, those red and yellow things are shoes, not hot dogs with catsup and mustard!

  2. ^^^ Jeez, this clown really does think he is intelligent.
    From wherever you came, please return.

  3. steve49, you do NOT tell me what to do, nor do you have the right to even address me. You are beneath me and you will realize that. I am more intelligent than you will ever be.


  4. Here’s another quote…”visors are for doUSChe Bags”. So..Goat Boy, is still an angry little boy, and is going to get “even” (WTF is that?) with Chow by not allowing the team from Hawaii to do a WALK THRU at the Coliseum? Someone asked GOAT BOY, why he couldn’t ask the team from Hawaii NOT TO WEAR CLEATS, thereby not “damaging” the playing field. GOAT BOY then said something like…he didn’t want to POLICE the situation and make sure no CLEATS were worn. I found his reply a bit “QUEER”, since TYPICALLY, S.C.,has plenty of “SECURITY TYPES”, rent a Cops…aka former SUCks students available, because of SUCk’s INTERESTING GEOGRAPHIC location.
    Al Davis said it best of Kiffy…”The guys a Born Liar” and he’s a perfect fit for the
    University of
    Fit on Torgan!
    (I guess one of the prerequisites to qualify as head coach at SUCks is being a confirmed AZZHOLE!)

  5. Thailandmezxico makes me laugh because he writes long blog posts and he doesnt realize people stop reading after
    the first sentence…and because he is fat.

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