66 thoughts on “USC Campus Around Tommy Trojan In Lockdown As Former President Bush Speaks

  1. Unbelievable, SUC hosts a Genuine American War Criminal. More than four thousand American Soldiers lie in their graves needlessly, because Saddam tried to kill Geo. W’s diddy. To allow Geo. W. Bush, the yellow coward, on SUC’s campus is foul and contemptible. What next, SUC hosts a reformed SS KZ camp Commandant.

    • c’mon man…you don’t know the man…”genuine war criminal?” I bet you think 911 was a conspiracy between the FBi and the CiA

      • C’mon man. How many Iraqis were involved in the 9/11 strike. Zero. I repeat ZERO. Where were the WMD? Describe the benefits of the Iraq invasion to the US economy. Close to one trillion $ spent on the manufactured Iraq war that was built on lies and bogus threats of the stinking Bush Administration. The result, four thousand dead American Soldiers. The Stinking Bush goes to the Super Bowl as those soldiers lie in their graves – unnecessarily and Bush’s fault.

        • Who had the intel? Several countries. Where did Syria get chemical weapons? Iraq. Even your daddy Obama and Hilary agreed with Bush.
          Keep drinking the kool aid fool. You have now proven to us you have very little knowledge and even less intellect.

      • Tell me Ted, suppose you and your friends enter a bar and you proceed to mouth off and finally someone has enough and choses you off. Then you have your friends do your fighting. What are you? A coward, just like stinking yellow Geo. W. Bush.

        • How about all of those civilians killed in Obama’s drone strikes? I can tell you will be a huge beneficiary of Obamacare. Hand-out on!

          • There were close to 150,000 civilian causalities during Bush’s Iraq war. Based on those numbers the Iraqis were better off with Saddam in chg.

          • Please define reddit. Hand out on!? I believe you need a strong eyeopener. A couple of oz’s of Everclear will do.

        • Based on your reasoning, every president that didn’t fight in a war waged during their tenure is a coward. That leaves a lot of cowardly presidents over the years.

        • I will never disrespect my president even if I disagree with them. You wont hear me calling Obama an idiot or a coward. It is sad that you seemingly an american calling our former commander in chief a coward and defending likes of Saddam Hessian as victims…

          • Just for the record, Saddam was a CIA creation and had America’s full support. Remember Ronnie the R. would sent Saddam US weapon systems to use against Iran.

    • Using politics to troll USC? Remember the whole “don’t hit post before thinking” discussion? This is what I mean.

      You seriously cheapen an extremely important issue by using it to troll a university on a sports blog.

      Just stop.

      • Just stop having an opinion. You sound like Nancy Reagans “Just don’t do it.” solution. No, not if SUC promotes Genuine American War Criminals.

    • Sure, we should have invited a guy that has wrecked our economy. We could have had fried chicken. Of course, a liar is much better than a true hero that protected our country after 911.

      • Joey Latent you should author a first person account of what it’s like to be thoroughly Stupid.

      • Last time I checked, Bush was in office when the economy tanked. You may assert that Obama hasn’t brought it back quickly enough, you may assign some blame to Congress, but it was Bush in office that took the stock market to 6000. Now it is almost 16,000.

        Fried chicken remark is totally racist, but what would one expect from the Rhodes Scholar from Hyperion.

        9/11 happened on Bush’s watch. My son is in the Army and just transferred out of Afghanistan to Qatar. He was in Afghanistan this past 9/11 as the locals were shooting of rockets to celebrate the occasion. Sure makes sense to still be there.

        • You are dumb as a rock.

          Blame it on Bush. It was FIVE f’ing years AGO. Moron.

          You don’t like chicken? How is that racist? I’m sure obummer would love a FREE meal.

          Gee, how do you like the TEN year commitment the US government is proposing to Afghanistan? Under the obummer administration?????
          Good for your son. At least he got his mom’s brains.

          • You are so dumb that you couldn’t even tell that I did not actually give an opinion…just stated some facts.

            1. Economy tanked under Bush. Hasn’t come back fast enough. It was under Bush that we passed the TARP.

            2. Stock market was 6,000 and is now near 16,000.

            3. No reason to be in Afghanistan (my only opinion…and yes it now belongs to Obama).

            Which FACT is incorrect?

          • Now that’s an argument. If you can’t dispute the facts…and those ARE facts…move on to the insult.

          • PU –
            I think Ben Bernanke’s printing press has more to do with equity prices than the state of the economy. Low to sub-2% GDP following a deep recession is unprecedented and is definitely not an indication of economic strength. However, if you review the St. Louis Federal Reserve data, you will see that the Federal Reserve has quadrupled the adjusted monetary base to more than $3.2T since the end of 2008. Printing money at this rate will cause several non-mutually exclusive events. First, there will be rampant inflation, as more dollars chase the same amount of goods and services. Please ignore the CPI statistic reported every month, as it is continuously recalculated to show more modest inflation than what consumers are actually experiencing. Take a look at grain, cattle, energy and raw material prices. They have increased at a commensurate pace as the increase in money supply. The increased cost of raw goods are simply being transferred to the consumer through higher prices. Second, the stock market reflects price inflation. Equities are directly and positively correlated with price inflation. The beta of equities to inflation, since the 1920s, is close to 1.0; meaning that for each 1% rise in price inflation, equity prices increase 1%. As such, equity price gains since late 2008 is essentially all due to the fact that the US Federal Reserve has printed $ at an unprecedented rate, but it is not a reflection of economic growth. My suggestion to you is buy hard assets (i.e. real estate), since inflation-beta is close to 8:1. Each 1% increase in the inflation rate equates to an 8% increase in real estate values.
            As to your first point, you are taking a single entity (GWB) and assigning all subsequent events to him. That is foolhardy, as an economy is comprised of millions upon millions of small events/decision daily that comprise economic activity. Your are correct that the US economy went into recession during GWB’s presidency. Unfortunately, the world is not so simple when assigning cause and effect. The impact of relaxed lending standards that were encouraged, almost mandated, by Congress on home lenders was probably the biggest contributing factors to the housing bubble and deflation, and subsequent recession than any other factor. This began in the mid-1990s during much publicized Congressional hearings under the premise of promoting racial equality. In reality, Congress mandated lenders relax borrowing standards regardless of a borrower’s finances, and in effect, to abandon the concept of “red-lining” which allowed lenders to highlight higher risk potential borrowers.

          • I was replying to a simplistic point that Obama is responsible for everything going on currently. It seems there are those that believe in a simple black and white world. That’s why the general facts, while accurate, do not tell the whole story as you point out quite accurately. We have no leaders these days and both parties have been bought. That led to very loose lending standards where people could get a home loan without provinding proof of income for example.

            A far too intelligent post from you than one would expect with the name ScottWolfSmellsHisOwnFarts!

          • By the way, cutting taxes while engaging in 2 wars is not exactly the way to get the budget balanced.

          • I will disagree with you on cutting tax rates (not to be mistaken with tax receipts) as a way to a balanced budget. I would point to the Laffer Curve as the basis of my argument.
            But, I agree that fighting two wars does not help, particularly if Congress abdicates its duty to spend tax payers money wisely.

          • Not sure the Laffer curve is accurate. The tax code is a mess. I do believe in a graduated income tax, but the current one is far too complex. I don’t believe capital gains should be taxed at a lower rate than earned income or unearned income. Nor should capital gains be taxed at a higher rate like it used to be.

            I know there are those that say that it will curb investment. I don’t think so at all. People will invest if they can make money. I should not be paying a 10% higher rate than Romney. The tax code is a mess because the big contributors to both parties want it that way.

        • Thank you to your son for his service–truly grateful for those that put themselves in harms way.

          Your assignment of blame to bush is overly simplistic. On the one hand, you blame bush for 9/11 when it occurred only 9 months into his presidency AND you blame bush for the Dow Jones reaching 6000 (which actually happened 3 months into President Obama’s tenure–it was about 9000 when Bush left office). Presidents inherit problems (Al Queda didn’t form after Bush took office) and cause and effect are often separated by time. In terms of the economy tanking in 2008 and 2009, de-regulation in the late 1990’s (under Clinton and with bi-partisan support) set the groundwork for the housing bubble and economic crash. If only it was so simple that all of our problems were caused by Bush, they would be so easy to solve. By the way, a massive correction to the stock market occurs on average about once every 5-6 years, so any two term President is probably going to get hit with a correction. Sometimes they get lucky (The tech bubble didn’t crash until Clinton was out of office, so he got credit for the rise of the economy, but not the fall that was precipitated by unrealistic exuberance). I hope your son is safe, I really do. But instead of blaming bush, I wish people would blame the terrorists.

          • I didn’t blame Bush. I said it happened on his watch. He had his share of blame, no doubt. So did Clinton. Look at the hysteria blaming Obama for Benghazi. Are you able to say the same thing? It happened on his watch, so he has to take the blame. The truth is seldom that simple.

            Some people think that as soon as someone becomes the President, everything he inherited is now his fault. So, Obama gets the entire blame for the current deficit. He inherited 2 wars that are still happening that go on the books against him. You can find examples of this with every President. Reagan had prime rates over 20% that he inherited from Carter and still had 2 years into his administration. So, yes, it is always more complex.

          • oh, ok. So when you say that you don’t blame President bush and that you simply said that it happened on his watch, do you also not blame USC for Reggie Bush and simply think that it happened on their watch? Because your name “ProbationU” kind of implies that you think USC is guilty of something. And your previous post, particularly when you said, “but it was Bush in office that took the stock market to 6000” implies that it was Bush (the President) that did something wrong and was the one to blame for the stock market crash. Ok, now I’m just having fun with you.

            Actually, based on your recent post, I think we’re on the same page in regard to presidents and the trouble they inherit. Yep, President Obama inherited two wars that contributed to the deficit spending (but the wars don’t account for all of that spending). And no, I don’t think President Obama is to blame for why Al Queda would want to attack in Benghazi. I do question whether the administration responded to the warnings and I definitely think the administration was dishonest with spin after the attack. But whom to blame? I blame the terrorists.

          • Oh, and I blame Reggie Bush, his family, and the wannabe sports marketer. Probation and scholarships are a bit much. What’s your handle on the Texas A&M blog, “half game suspension U”?

          • B-Rad from Malibu’s Most Wanted? Reggie Bush…want to make sure we know which Bush we are talking about…is personally to blame. Also, could have stopped it all by buying the guy off. I think he wanted $250,000 that he said he was owed? So, he is #1.

            I blame Mike Garrett for trying to sacrifice basketball to save football. Clearly Garrett made the punishment worse and yes, there were problems in his Department and not having decent compliance control. There were also issues with McKnight and possible Todd McNair and Tim Floyd. So, I blame Garrett #2.

            Texas A&M was a joke. Florida State looks like the cops may have pressured the girl not to pursue the rape charge. Toss in Cam Newton. The SEC is a joke on compliance and yes, `i know FSU is in the ACC, but it IS in Florida.

          • Also, Pete Carroll ran a very loose ship. I think there was an atmosphere where the practices were so open, it could expose players to agents and the like. He was an NFL guy and needed more help regarding compliance. I think he just wanted to coach.

          • And don’t forget, Ed O was coaching at the U. Don’t know if that factors into Haden’s decision or not. He was also part of Carroll’s staff. I am sure it would be discussed by Haden.

          • Guilt by association?….I wouldn’t be so quick rush to judgment, but I do get your point……and that was during the late 80’s early 90’s under Jimmy Johnson and Dennis Erickson……2 national championships later, Coach O had some personal problems, which, to his credit, he managed to overcome….but, as you stated, it will be discussed with Pat Haden, at the appropriate time….

          • Wasn’t saying anything other than he was there. I don’t know what his responsibilities were or what he knew. I am just saying given the microscope that SC is under, I would guess that Haden would explore that.

          • I see… I was alluding to more recent allegations at The U…. like the Shapiro case, lack of institutional control and former AD, the late Paul Dee…..

    • Talk about Monday Morning Quarterbacking. You can only evaluate a decision based on the information at the time (bounded rationality). Is it crazy to not only go after the group that attacked you, but also prevent the next group from doing the same thing? Hussein was a guy who had used WMD, exterminated factions of his own country based on ethnic heritage, hated the United States and had attempted to take over a neighboring country. Look, I’m not saying he would have become the next Hitler, but if we could go back in time and take out hitler after he first invaded Poland, hundreds of thousands of lives could have been saved. I think we had to at least consider the possibility that Hussein was on that the same track. We really don’t know what benefit occurred from taking out Hussein. Was the reaction to actually invade Iraq premature? Probably. But, it wasn’t just GWB in favor, he had almost bi-partison consensus approval from congress based on what was believed at the time. Was it worth cost of lives? We’ll never know what would have happened had we not intervened. I’m sure that you think I’m naive, but then again, you seem to believe that If George Bush wasn’t such a criminal, everything would be grand If only it were that simple. But it’s great to know that (as promised) now that GWB is gone, the world now loves us, the threat of terrorism has been eliminated, guatonomo bay is no longer necessary, personal privacy is respected, we are no longer running up trillion dollar deficits, and any incompetence and/or dishonesty from the intelligence community has been eliminated (Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi); It’s so wonderful that we now have a new and much more enlightened president.

      • G W Bush took the easy way out. At that time No. Korea and Iran were at least ten times more dangerous than Iraq. But chose the weakest so called threat to liberate. Then Geo. W Bush fired the Iraqi Army and sent them home. The enemy promptly hired those ex-Iraqi soldiers to kill AMERICAN COMBAT TROOPS. Brilliant.

        • Attacking both Iraq and Al Queda in Afganistan was definitely stretching our resources. Attacking Iran or N. Korea would have been way too much. I do think it was a message to both of those countries and everyone else that the US was not going to sit back and wait to be attacked. Were tactical mistakes made? Absolutely, I think the GWB administration completely underestimated the difficulty of restoring order in Iraq once Hussein was displaced. But, to boil the loss of lives down to GWB is a criminal is way oversimplified. It was a tough time and decisions were difficult.

          • I think you’re underestimating what GWB did. He went into the US public theater and screamed fire. But there was no fire. S H had zero nuke or chemical capabilities to launch an attack on the US ever.

        • It is your right to have your opinion, it is the freedom that our great country provides. I think your opinion is wrong and misguided but you have the freedom to have your opinion. Our country even gives you freedom to call the leaders of our country idiots, cowards and other names…I just think it’s sad that homers that back their school teams no matter what would not back our presidents…

          • Ted what is misguided is about 4000 plus dead combat soldiers, 50,000 wounded (a third of which will never recover from their wounds) and approx. 150,000 Iraqi civilian causalities. Ask yourself Ted, what was the benefit to anybody of the Iraq invasion.

          • Not sure why my reply didn’t post — maybe because I included a link to a NY Times article. Basically, the article indicated that Saddam Hussein was responsible for the deaths of about a million people. So, to answer your question, the benefit is probably to the next million people that may have died under his direction. We just can’t know the extent of the benefit of ousting Hussein because we just can’t know what might have been.

          • Why don’t you ask the multitude of Iraqies that were slapping the dome of Saddam Hussian’s head with there sandals… And by the way if you were to ask our solders they most would say that is what they signed up to do. Serve and if necessary die for our country. Have you ever served in a forward unit?

  2. An old grad school professor once said during the semester, “Look around the room and spot the class idiot. If you can’t find him, you’re it.”

    We have all stopped looking. HeySucs hasn’t.

  3. Whew, that was a lot of reading. Too politically-slanted for a sports blog. And when it comes to politics, the old saw that everybody has a “behind” and an opinion is so true

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