4 thoughts on “USC Players Enjoy Las Vegas Bowl Victory

  1. It was only Fresno State… You played the equivalent of Cal on the Loser Bowl weekend! This win doesn’t even avenge the Washington State loss!

    • The players truly enjoyed themselves at the bowl game; why be a buzzkill for their joy?! Do you really hate USC so much that it bothers you when the young men themselves are happy?! Be sure to tell them that there’s no reason to be happy on their birthdays: they did nothing to help the passage of time and it doesn’t make up for any unhappiness earlier in the year. Misanthrope . . .

  2. give the kids a break…even sleazy vegas is a step up from south central…How’d you like to have to listen to that BIG fat UGLY female screaming….ALL DAY/Night long……”Hey Leroy….I’m having your baby!” (she thinks Nubsie’s real name is LeRoy) Only in South Central.
    fit Un!

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