Stanford 80, USC 59; Does Anyone Care?

Apparently leading scorer Byron Wesley does not because he was left home in L.A. for a team rules violation. Not surprisingly, the Trojans (10-16, 1-12) lose big to Stanford. The talent might be low but where’s the spirit? Shouldn’t Andy Enfield at least be instilling some type of attitude for next season?

Did anyone give the 14 points?

10 thoughts on “Stanford 80, USC 59; Does Anyone Care?

  1. “Stanford 80, USC 59; (sic) Does Anyone Care?”

    Did ya have enough to drink tonight, Gargamel? First the “Maybe USC will became (sic)” post and now this? Pathetic…

      • Grass does not grow on a busy street…not that PH gives a rats patootie about hoops.
        For the moment, hair folicles will remain status quo.

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