USC v. Alabama

With USC playing Alabama in 2016, here’s a look at the classic 1978 game, which pitted the two best teams in the nation.

23 thoughts on “USC v. Alabama

  1. Nubs/J. Mark Larson, you mentioned you are a huge donor….definitely not the largest donor to athletics…and by far. just a few years ago you donated less than $2,000 to USC for the whole year. #ExaggeratedClaims #cheap

    • J. Mark, as whole prevaricator. Joe Blow/Nobby/J. Mark, what’s your excuse for your feeble Shtick?

    • I understand your frustration with Nubs but you are going to ruin the blog by driving away anonymous posters that would tell us inside stuff.

      • Like Mark/Nobs did??

        If you consider the worst elements of hate-speak inside stuff, I guess.

        That such a dirty racist scumbag is outed is a GREAT THING!!

        Further his ID was blown by his own people sick of his crap….such SWEEET JUSTICE rarely occurs!!

      • I speak only for myself, but I ten to agree with you Marv. I want to say some nasty things about Nobby that he deserves. However, I’ve hesitated because I, and many others on this blog wish to remain just blog names. Most have fibbed on this blog, although not to the extend Nobs has. Nobs has a lot to live down, and everybody now knows it. Personally I’d prefer not to stoop to Commies SUCC’s level of kicking a dead horses. Starting Monday 7/21 I’m off Nobby’s case, Unless of course, he starts rudely mouthing off again.

        • I love your anger man …. it’s so west side limousine liberal white bread…it really is…what is really sweet is reading your anger all over the place.

          Hey, just an aside ‘payaso’ you ever and I do mean ever, post over on that quiche-chardonnay website that no one posts at? You know jonnie – the one that ‘probe’ aka daddy’s money made note of – yeah sailor de’ wang chung site.

          • Nice shot CommieSUCC. 298 points, Wave that Hammer and Sickle.

          • Don’t waste your time owns….Comrade is jealous that he can’t afford to live on the Westside and tries cheap insults like daddy’s money because he can’t imagine someone actually making money…. just another disgruntled cracker that never amounted to much more than complaning

        • Nubs is a racist, small-minded, homophobic, bitter bigot. I agree that what makes this site entertaining largely hinges on anonymity, but nubs crossed several lines—several times. I don’t plan on outting anyone else…unless these nubsian characters come back with more diatribe. I think nubs owes all of us an apology.

          By the way, I warned Nubs more than once that he should stop being a glass whole or that I’d expose him (since Wolf and Gina D did nothing). Nubs

          • ….AKA Marky Mark’s response to me writing I’d out him: “Go for it.”
            People need to stop defending racist xenophobes…it’s so out of style and lame.

          • ….AKA Marky Mark’s response to me writing I’d out him: “Go for it.”
            People need to stop defending racist xenophobes…it’s so out of style and lame.

      • No gives a sh*t what you have to say!

        PS…..Tell yoda turn around and go home

  2. Anthony Munoz was the shiz back then and he always will be! An awesome player and individual.

  3. Anyone know when bel-air tech ever played AL? No? Hmmm how come? I mean they played Long Beach State and ‘dago State –

    What I love the most is knowing even AL doesn’t deign to play the bel-airians….

    A blast from the past – ready girl friend? “Paul Moyers here…woodie and the woodpeckers…..acolytes worshiping him… at ’11’

    • I looked it up and f ucla has played them 3 times, winning twice, the last time in 2001. That was the same year that their star player was suspended for using an actors’ car and we smoked them 27-0.

  4. Thanks Scott for bringing back memories. It is amazing that Alabama tries to claim a piece of that 78 championship, but that’s what irrational rabid sports fans do.

    That was one great team that probably could have hung with the 72 team; maybe even the 2003-05 teams.

    So many Trojan memories. No wonder schools hate SC

    • Alabama got the sympathy vote in 1978 after getting jumped by Notre Dame in 1977. Great offense line, but not a lot of NFL talent on the defense compared to those Pete Carroll teams however.

  5. Ronnie Lott didn’t start but Dennis Smith did? Always thought they were together.

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