Picture Of The Day


I posted this picture last week spotlighting running back Ben Wilson. But it’s worth running again to appreciate the fact USC and Notre Dame are both wearing their home jerseys while the Irish are also wearing shamrock helmets in this 1962 contest.

14 thoughts on “Picture Of The Day

  1. Lev is back on the USC beat at the OCR and no subscription fee reqd. to access his blog.

  2. Thought you didn’t read any comments. Made this same point more than three days ago under the original photo posting. Plagiarize On, Wolf!

    • Both Wolf and gotroy22 do not know what Plagiarize means.. they just think its great copy and paste technique!

      • BM knows that his Jar Jar Binks costume will beat out Golly-Nerd’s Wookie outfit for Best Star Wars Costume this Friday night at the “When Nerds Attack” Comic Con Convention in San Diego.

  3. Matt Leinart was better in college than Johnny U

    The better comparison would be Ugly Bucket or Wolcott compared to Mark Twain. We just ain’t that funny big guy although I am in person

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