Penalty Comparison


USC had at least 15 penalties last night. I say at least because no official stats were taken and that was my count. Amazingly, USC had only one penalty in its first scrimmage last summer on August 9, 2013. But a reader commented not to be surprised because Washington tied for first in most penalties committed last season.

24 thoughts on “Penalty Comparison

  1. Several of these penalties were for the players showboating after making a big play…….penalties to be sure, but ones that should be easily correctable….

    • You are correct there Bleauz…although it is a bit funny to be showboating and taunting your teammates! I can almost hear Allen Iverson now……in 3, 2, 1……practice?

      • I hear you…. it’s a different generation out there, to be sure…..I’m so glad that players are no longer allowed to rip their helmets off of the head just for making a basic play, tackle or making a first down…

      • Even FUNNIER when our linebacker PUNCHES our o-lineman!!!!

        #MylesJack #ClassAct

  2. So is this now some kind of a backhanded way of giving Kiffin some credit for something, Scottie?

  3. Washington actually tied for second with our good friends across the city with 8.1 penalties per game. The Ducks led the league with 8.2 penalties per game last year. If anyone is interested, USC had the fifth most penalties with 6.8 per game. Source: cfbstats dot com

  4. Funny, I said this post was ‘stupid’ and the comment got deleted. Wow, I’m so inflammatory.

  5. That’s hilarious, Scott. What does Washington’s season ending injuries got to do with USC this year?

      • This Faux Bucket strategy has been attempted DOZENS of times….always to no avail.

        The Cadre is issuing a 24hr Cease and Desist Order.

        like Israel (who copied the Cadre strategy) we issue a warning, and if the behavior stops, we stand down. But if the Fauxs continue, then the response is overwhelming and brutal. And though we do have a TOP SUSPECT, there are often, unfortunately, COLLATERAL CASUALTIES!!!


  6. Scotty using inaccurate reader comments as post. Could he be any more unprofessional? Can we just let Bucket take over for Scotty it would serve the same purpose?

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