Deja Vu Deflategate

Barkley.PatriotsThe Wells Report determined it was “more probable than not” New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady was “generally aware” of footballs being deflated. But we never heard if it was more probable than not if Matt Barkley was “generally aware” of USC’s student manager deflating footballs.

23 thoughts on “Deja Vu Deflategate

    • Cheating is hardwired in SUCC DNA.

      The Klown U motto: If ya ain’t cheatin ya ain’t winning.

      • Matt is a man among men, you are an antipodal to Matt, so to speak, a loser among losers.

        • memo to Goo-goo: so who is this rah rah, Golly Nerd or Cal poly fan 2.0??

          i believe they both use aliases (the fiends)


          • Hard to tell so far. Golly-Nerd always uses the same sentence structure and vocabulary and gives himself away. We haven’t had any CowPolyFan3.0 aliases in a while (remember TrojanFamily?)so it could be him, especially now that he has quit posting the last month.


        • Are you referring to Matt “glued to the bench” Barfly? One has to wonder if his shoulder has healed.

          I had to check 3 dictionaries for a definition of “antipodal.” Did you just get a C in a freshman remedial vocabulary class.

          Someday 15, you’re going to try and impress people with a 10 cent word in conversation, and someone will ask for the definition. You better be ready, or prepare for huge loss of face.

          • The word “antipode” has your picture ‘SUCLA clowns LA Football’ as its definition.

            We say it is May. You say it is still April

            We say SC is a good academic and athletic school

            You say we stink and are a cesspool in South L.A.

            You say….Aaah, you get the picture. And I notice that most are so bored with your schtick they’re not even responding to your negativity anymore.

            Good riddance, pal.

          • Walnut. lets be fair, YOU’VE said “we stink and are a cesspool in South LA.”

            I’ve far as I know I’ve never said any such thing. However Walnut, if the shoe fits, wear it.

  1. So fun to see ESPN heads exploding today with the news that their beloved Pats are cheaters.

  2. As Hilary Clinton would say, “At this point, what difference does it make”?

  3. Well Scottie, ol sport, perhaps it has something to do with the difference between a team cheating to get into the super bowl, versus a college team trying to win a regular season game.

  4. More probable than not…would you like to be judged guilty on that??? to even make the statement shows the person has no discernment or wisdom…means ZERO all around…

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