USC Picture Of The Day


Here’s a color photo of a USC game from 1948. If you look closely, you can see that in this period, the helmets did not match the jerseys, which were much darker.

5 thoughts on “USC Picture Of The Day

  1. I was in school in 1948 and I am sure I was at this game. Note the size and location of the student section.

    Please keep posting the pictures of the past, love them.

  2. The helmets were leather, the jerseys were like canvas. Perhaps there is a reason they don’t match. Or perhaps the pic was “colorized” later.

  3. hey wolfman, kinda like how the copycat “shiny” hemets dont match the color of the current see-thru jerseys.

    how HARD it is to make them the same color, wolfman?? we HAVE the technology to do it!!


  4. Another thing to note is that all the players are white, and all of them are small.

    Kids have gotten bigger over the years, and except for the offensive line and quarterback positions, whites just cannot compete with blacks

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