Coliseum Concerns

COLI.INTERIORIt’s always difficult to judge something solely on renderings. But a few things stand out immediately from the Coliseum renderings USC released yesterday. First, the pressbox/suites structure is gigantic and looks like it was dropped on top of the stadium. It’s not exactly in character with the rest of the “historic stadium.”

Second, where exactly are the scoreboards going to be located if they are no longer at the peristyle? Third, doesn’t $270 million allow for a better solution than another Sun Deck?

Maybe most important: If only 33 percent of the seats will have a personal-seat license, does that mean the sightlines will be similar to the current configuration, which has only 27,000 seats between the goal lines?

19 thoughts on “Coliseum Concerns

      • I do not often go to Five Guys, but when I do, I prefer ordering the onion rings from one of those entrepreneurs who troll the Casa del Lobo..

    • I love the new proposed changes to the Coli and that the team will never have to relocate. It’s all good. That Wolfie is really bothered makes my day. Who cares what he thinks?

  1. And where will they put the soft serve machine?….. and will it be able to keep with my rate of consumption?… URRRP!!!!

  2. Thank you so much Wolfie. Those know-nothings over on WeRSC and USC Football are babbling about some off-topic game tomorrow against the Commies. You, on the other-hand, have zeroed in on what is important midway thru the football season…cosmetic changes to the Gray Lady. Who could ask for anything more?

    • 1/4 of a billion dollars wasted on cosmetic changes. That’s no big deal sticking it to the loyal season ticket holders, Larry.

  3. I’ve yet to sit up in the Peristyle bleachers, but they might as well convert those into stadium chairs.

    • Well I have, and believe me, they ain’t nothing that either John Kennedy*, Mr. Max, or any self-respecting AD would allow to make contact with his/her gluteus maximus.

      *Just attempting to be topical (given the political debates) albeit somewhat from yesteryear…a reference understood only by those who are older than dirt.

      • Yeah you’re living proof of being a member of the ‘hoi polloi’ – the correct spelling is ‘gauche’

        • You are not the first to imply that ‘I am they’.
          Are you so picayune as to badmouth me over such a trivial keyboard mistrake? (fingers begin to shake after one has been on this planet for over 30 years.) In any event, I am progressive enough not to wind up Tango Uniform (T*ts Up) after having been phone-net-tick-ly correct.
          Sticks & stones…

          • Sorry for the reply.

            Understand a lot of excess per Haden – per this topic he’s done it right.

  4. The Coliseum is a national historic landmark. As such there are limitations to what can be done architecturally. While some feel the entire structure should be razed, less the peristyle, that’s not going to happen. Take note the plans include increasing and also improving the concession stands, usually one of the major grumbling points of Scotty.

  5. The seats on either side of the gigantic luxury seat structure are going to be horrible! You won’t be able to see the other side of the field depending on what side you sit on if you are next to it.

    • Shhhhhhh! You will upset the Sunshine Pumpers who applaud like trained seals to anything Pat Haden does.

  6. Haden has saved the coliseum from what could have been imposed thus ruining the last and most historic stadium in the nation.

    The drawings most of us saw had that huge metal roof nearly covering the stadium – that did not happen.

    Haden made a huge mistake hiring Sarksian but this is a home run for everyone for the next century.

  7. If the suites are going to take away seating at the top of the coliseum, then they need to be replaced by those seats under the peristyle where those stupid giant jerseys are wasting seating space. Who is in charge of this renovation? Please don’t tell me it is Haden….

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