22 thoughts on “

  1. You didn’t hear ?

    Back in 1995 I believe, a plane headed East towards Missouri went down some where over Oklahoma killing all aboard, and that’s what happened to the “LA” Rams !

    The “Rams” are dead !!!


    • Don’t get me started on Georgia Front-en-scum-bag.

      LA did just fine w/o the NFL. You couldn’t pay to attend a Ram FB game.

      • Well Owns, I wouldn’t know about the NFL ?

        What I do know is the Rams are dead !

        And the last time I checked, Georgia was flying the plane, and she’s dead too !!

        Now that was a reason to celebrate, and We did CELEBRATE !!!


  2. Was Jeff Fisher running up the tunnel shouting “we own this town!” Hahaha Only a fool would be doing THAT.

    BTW, did Mique Jaurez miss his 2nd practice to watch Rams v Cowboys???

  3. I hated it when the show girl moved the Rams to St. Lou. Now they are back, nowhere to go but up. The fact that “owns” wouldn’t go to a game thrills me. I grew up with the Rams and Trojans and can be a fan of both. Yes, I hate the raiders.

    • The showgirl hired a hit man to kill Carroll rosenbloom. Even though there is no way of proving it, you just know she was behind it. She actually showed up late to his funeral. With today’s forensics, and technology they probably would have been able to tie her to this murder. But in the late 70’s it was a lot easier to get away with murder.

      • Georgia didn’t have him clipped. Rosenbloom was drown for welshing on his huge gambling losses.

      • At the time of his “drowning” Carroll Rosenbloom was in the process of changing his will, which would have given his children the Rams, instead of Georgia. Well just before this document was legalized he “drowned” off the Florida coast, despite being a black belt swimmer. Coincidence, I don’t think so. It also didn’t take Georgia very long to remarry.

    • Once the trashy Georgia passed away all Rams Fans could return to rooting for the team. Story book opening for the team’s return to LA!

        • depending on how old you are, you may not remember that the late great Jim Healy’s radio show would play a toilet flushing sound right after Georgia’s (“Madame Ram”) name was mentioned. and this was even before she moved the team. he often referenced the murder theory.


        • Yeah well screw the franchise as well, St. Louis will never get a team due to their population base – the Rams (regardless of who owned them) screwed that city into paying $1 billion for those has beens to play there.

  4. A lot of Columbo’s speculating ..Lol.. Geez, You bet your sweet arse Georgia was involved in Caroll’s untimely death, the original story was he suffered a heart attack while, no mention of gaming debts, the article that was out said, Rosenbloom was an experienced long distance swimmer and could have suffered a heart attack, while the writer continued to say that Georgia, had ties to organized crime from her days as a Las Vegas showgirl.. She had him killed, if you remember, she and her stepson, Steve Rosenbloom had a public fight over ownership and she fired him even though he had a vested interest in ownership which he was forced to give up, after Kroenke purchased the Rams when Georgia passed, Kroenke sold the same vested interest back to Steve, yet maintained majority ownwrship.. In the end Georgia did have Carroll clipped.. The End!

  5. I get the sensation that one day, in the future, the Coliseum commission will need to hire Scooby Doo and gang to resolve what appears to be a menacing spectre, but it turns out to be you know who…

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