2 thoughts on “USC-SMU Photo Gallery

  1. ‘If’ bel-air tech wins tonight then all Pac-12 are past the 1st round…btw …IN is sniffing around Alford’s back end and let’s be frank….Lonzo is gone and so is his ‘sonny boy’….look for Alford to ‘book’ for IN.

    ‘If only woodie the peckerhead was still alive…..why?…Jack…our Jack….Bobbie…Teddie…Klinonska…Barakska Chevrolet…who’ll show us the way?….

    • Alvin,
      Stay out of the Two Buck Chuck before you start blogging, dude, it only highlights your racists tendencies.
      When you drink & blog, we all lose.
      Lonzo is gone, yes and when he is in the NBA he is unlikely to run into any of the current SoCal squad.

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