USC Picture Of The Day

USC vs. West Virginia. That would be a good game today. Here are the teams playing in 1959 at the Coliseum. USC won this game, 36-0.

5 thoughts on “USC Picture Of The Day

  1. I wonder how much of the 59 squad is left? They would be in their late 70s early 80s now.

    • Nobody ever sits that far away from the football field, silly. The Coliseum is a old track stadium. That’s why they put in the Sun Deck.

    • And that comment coming from a ruin fan. hilarious. The ruins always lose to usc in attendance for a football game. U Clowns Lose Again.

  2. a great team, lots of guys played nfl…Syracuse was a powerhouse that year…went to all the home games,my favourite was the ohio state win

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