5 thoughts on “USC Graduation Photo Gallery

  1. Comedians are initially funny to be with until you realize how desperate they are nearly every moment to have attention paid them thus the need to continue to be goofy and plain annoying (ex. Danny Kaye) – a few get it and realize maybe there’s more to life than being a constant clown (ex. Eddy Murphy) – as talented as he is Will Ferrel is the former and always shall be.

    • Wow, you must have spent a lot of time with Will to have such thoughtful analysis.

    • LIke Bill Murray- they have to always be “on” or the fans are disappointed in them.

      • Man amen – Bill Murray – now there’s a talent that is certified ‘box office’ – he’s shown what one always suspected – nothing bu another obnoxious Chicago Cub fan – no surprise or courage there….never go to the south side for the ChiSox.

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